Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ideas for my work room...

I've been slowly, but surely, transforming one of the rooms at my house into a work space for my sewing venture. I've been looking for ideas all over, you guessed it, Pinterest (pause for applause) and this one in particular caught my fancy.

The original idea comes from this lovely webpage, where they were used to hold towels. My idea is to use them to hold fabric!! Call me crazy but I think it could actually work! Pero me pregunto si la tela se dañaría al estar así expuesta? Aunque, cuando voy a las tiendas de telas, no están envueltas...oh well, things to ponder...

Mucho love,


Monday, August 26, 2013

Lovely to meet you

Studying, estudiando...falling in heart!

I can barely understand what this is talking "aboot". It's a whole new language I know nothing about and it's exciting and scary and wonderful all at the same time (I should probably get that straightened out). What is "couturiere", "pespunte", and "muescas" mean? I have no idea...yet; and it's in that little word that rests the beginnings of a brand new experience, the sewing experience. Stay tuned, this might get "couturiere"...

Mucho love,


Saturday, August 24, 2013

¡Bienvenidos!, Welcome!, Benvenuto!, Aloha!

Este es mi blog, mi diario, my "let-it-all-out" space where I'll share my thoughts and experiences through the next six months while I take a course in basic sewing. I've wanted to learn to sew for the longest time and it finally came together, gracias a Dios. Como no puedo escoger un solo idioma en el que sienta me pueda expresar 100% mejor, I've decided to just be myself and let the words fall as they see fit. Estaré añadiendo fotos y videos para acompañar mis historias. I hope you like it and join me on this sewing experience. 

Mucho love,
