Thursday, April 17, 2014

Una mezcla entre emoción y terror

A mix between excitement and terror. That's exactly how I've been feeling these last few weeks. Times are changing and change is happening. Now, I was inclined to say that change is inevitable. But, the truth is that if we don't make a conscious effort, we might just stay exactly were we are forever, never moving a foot forward, never reaching, never growing, just existing. While change is scary, I believe it's worth it.

There's a great quote that says, "Un mar en calma, nunca hizo experto a un marinero." Life is like the sea; we're in constant movement, like the waves, sometimes crashing, sometimes gliding, but we're still in the ocean, we're still swimming, soaking up the sun, going with the And were there is life, there is hope.

So, here's praying and hoping that these times, though changing, exciting and terrifying all the time same time, will lead me exactly where God wants me to be. Because He knows better, and that's the only truth there is.

Mucho love,


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