Saturday, August 24, 2013

¡Bienvenidos!, Welcome!, Benvenuto!, Aloha!

Este es mi blog, mi diario, my "let-it-all-out" space where I'll share my thoughts and experiences through the next six months while I take a course in basic sewing. I've wanted to learn to sew for the longest time and it finally came together, gracias a Dios. Como no puedo escoger un solo idioma en el que sienta me pueda expresar 100% mejor, I've decided to just be myself and let the words fall as they see fit. Estaré añadiendo fotos y videos para acompañar mis historias. I hope you like it and join me on this sewing experience. 

Mucho love,


1 comment:

  1. As your friend from down under I must say that I love your blog!!!! the layout and background is super cute, the originality and expressiveness is refreshing, and I can't wait to see what you create! :)
